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Apples and Peanut Butter Breakfast

There is nothing better than apple and peanut butter. While most would consider this a snack in my opinion apples and any nut butter make a great breakfast. Lately I’ve been into cashew butter but whatever nut butter you choose would be fine. The most important thing to consider about this breakfast is how the nut butter is prepared. Peanut butter is notoriously one of those foods that can look great on the outside but inside can be loaded with added sugars. My tip is look at the ingredient label. All peanut butter really needs is peanuts, oil and salt. There is no reason to have other ingredients crowding the mix. Some names you may see on labels is sugar, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and agave to name a few. These are nut butters to avoid.
If you are looking for a quick and healthy breakfast peanut butter and fruit would definitely fit the bill. Just be sure your peanut butter is not deceiving you.

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