At-Home Tips to Alleviate Acid Reflux
Post-dinner burps, regurgitation, or heartburn are unenjoyable and can stop you from getting a satisfying night of sleep. In this blog, we explore ways of alleviating acid reflux at home.
May is celiac awareness month and along with our annual walk for celiac disease held on May 20th at the walkway over the hudson. To register please go to www.digestivediseaseny.com. We are also having out first ever live facebook stream for our celiac support group. In this group we will be discussing ways to educate our communities on celiac disease specifically restaurants and food establishments. We will be working with Great kitchens to educate our locale restaurants.
Also looking for a great gluten free cookie Geoff from baked@350 is donating gluten free cookies. Pre -register for our walk and you will be able to try his delicious product on Sunday May 20th.