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Get Over the Holiday Guilt

The holidays are here and what a not so winter wonderland we are in right now. At least with this warm weather we can still go outside for walks. With all the hustle and bustle going on it’s no wonder that we can lose track of our weight loss goals this time of year. Don’t feel discouraged if you ate the cookie at work or had one more serving of pasta than you should have on christmas day. This does not mean the whole month is lost. For some it’s better to give into temptation, allow yourself this holiday treat. It may halt further temptation from the leftovers lurking in your fridge. Don’t feel guilty that your holiday may not have been spent achieving nutritional perfection! It’s ok to like and enjoy food, but know that tomorrow is a new day and our goals can be reached even if we slip up during the holiday season.
Many of us that come from families which focus is around food during the holiday season. This can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet, or leave us with the dreaded holiday food guilt. Here are some tips to make your holiday meal healthier and remember don’t feel guilty for one slip up. Tomorrow is a new day! Merry Christmas!!!

Make sure that your holiday table has all the sections of a plate. A vegetable, protein and starch.
When making your own plate this christmas fill up on veggies and protein.
Remember it is ok to indulge just set a limit for yourself. Instead of having 2 servings of pasta limit yourself to one

Every Holiday I always make a Lasagna for my family. It’s not just a cheese lasagna either, the Italian in me goes all out with sausage layered in the mix. While this dish is delicious I am also going to have other healthier options to choose from that will leave my guests mouth watering. To go with the lasagna for guests who do not want to be in a food coma I will have my Spaghetti Squash bake (previously posted) as well as chicken and broccoli rabe (another italian staple).

Garlic Rosemary Chicken with Broccoli Rabe

1 whole chicken
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp minced garlic
2 Tbsp lemon juice , fresh squeezed
2 tsp dry mustard
1 Tbsp chopped fresh Rosemary
1 Tbsp chopped fresh Sage
1 tsp Thyme leaves, chopped
about ½ cup white wine
Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a mixing bowl combine oil and herbs. Rub all over chicken, to moisten chicken more lift skin with knife making sure not to puncture. For chicken cook for 20 minutes per pound. I also tie the legs of my chicken together with twine, this tends to keep the chicken moist.

Garlic Broccoli Rabe

1 bunch Broccoli rabe
3 cloves garlic minced
2 Tbsp olive oil
½ – 1 tsp (depending how hot you prefer)
½ lemon
salt and pepper to taste

Heat saute pan over medium heat. Add oil and garlic, cook to flavor oil about 2-3 minutes. remove garlic and reserve for later. Add broccoli rabe salt and pepper, cook for 3 minutes. Add back the garlic, red pepper and lemon juice. Cook for additional 2 minutes and serve.

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