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Lemon Balms Chicken and Other Medicinal Uses

I have recently started to learn how to make essential oils, I think this is a great way to help alleviate stress as well as using these oils for other disease states and health issues that may arise. My interest in using medicinal medicine started when I was a child seeing my grandmother taking the leaf of an aloe vera plant and using it to treat my sunburn. I also saw her doing many other herbal infusions but never understood why she was doing them. As my interest in health and nutrition continued I realized through the years that she was using a more natural way to cure the most common ailments.
I recently started to take an interest in creating my own essential oils at home. So I thought that as i continue my journey why not share it with you as a lot of these herbs not only can be turned into essential oils but they can also be eaten, consumed as teas and added to every day dishes. Herbs are a powerful ingredient in recipes, they enable a dish to transform itself. Without herbs our culinary world would be a bore. As with any item that is ingested caution should be taken if you are on medications. Please consult your physician.

Lemon Balm, a herb that is versatile in the culinary world as well as the medicinal world it has a distinct lemon scent. This herb is known for its antiviral as well as calming effect. Recent studies have shown that a lip balm made from lemon balm can actually help to alleviate and prevent cold sores. Leaves of the lemon balm plant mimic those of mint leaves. This versatile herb has been used for centuries to reduce anxiety, improve sleep and aid in digestion.
As a tea lemon balm is said to soothe menstrual cramps and help alleviate the symptoms of PMS. it is thought that some of the volatile oils in this plant contain chemicals that help to relax muscle especially in the bladder, stomach and uterus.
If you have this lemon plant in your garden it is usually in abundance, don’t overlook it or think that it just has a lemony scent. Use this her to not only make teas and oil, but also use this herb in cooking. Lemon balm can be used in soups, stews, poultry dishes.

Lemon chicken

1 4-5 pound whole chicken or chicken pieces
1 bunch sage
1 bunch rosemary
½ cup lemon balm
4 Tbsp butter
Salt and pepper

Place whole chicken in a pan. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lift back skin of chicken with knife careful not to puncture. Put in herbs and butter. Sprinkle top of chicken with salt and pepper. Cook for 15 minutes per pound.

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