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Menu planning

It’s here the start of school. What children have dreaded all summer and by now parents are looking forward to. This weeks blogs post will be about getting back on track. Back on track after vacation for weight loss and back on track for kids with dinner and lunch meals.
One of things I hate the most is coming home after a long day of work and not knowing what to make for dinner. This inevitably leads to my husband and I conceding to pasta, take out maybe a quick salad but not the balanced meal that I had dreamed in my head prior to leaving the house. This has all changed since going back to work two weeks ago. I have been crock potting it, make ahead mealing it and planning out my menu for the week and it has been working! The true test will be this week when life gets a little crazier as I put my oldest on the bus for the second year and all his extra curricular activities start. Here’s to hoping that we stay on track. I’ll keep you posted on our progress and I hope you keep me posted on yours.
Let’s start off our week by making out our menu. I think this is the first step in to stay on track.

Tuesday- Yankee bean soup

Wednesday- chicken stew crick pot

Thursday- taco night with beans and salad

Friday- veggie stir fry with rice noodles

I will be posting the above recipes this week. Some webhave talked about already. The idea is most can be prepped ahead of time.

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