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The Ins and Outs of Spices

Another seminar down with “Lunch Box Lessons” it was a blast playing exercise ball with all the kids and Dr.Toyserkani! Thank you everyone for coming!

The talk of the night was seasoning and ideas for different ways to use herbs and spices. Salt is hidden in a lot of premixed seasoning packets making it difficult to come up with the right blend of spices for your meals.

It’s pivotal to know how to pair your herbs and spices in order to get the best result when cooking. Sometimes it’s trial and error, most importantly it’s what you and your family will like. Check out the link below for a guide on how to use herbs and spices in cooking. Look out for our future lecture on using herbs and spices in the upcoming months.

Join us this Wednesday for our lecture in our monthly weight loss series “Keep it Healthy for Life” Wednesday October 21st 5:30pm at Mid Hudson Regional Hospital.

Turkey Stuffed Peppers and Wild Rice

This recipe is great for the kids and a way to get more fiber with wild rice. Mix it up by adding some oregano and basil using your new seasoning skills!

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a bowl mix together turkey meat, diced tomatoes, corn, rice, and spices. Mix until combined. Cut the top off of peppers and scoop out the seeds, fill each pepper with filling. Bake on 375 for 20-30 minutes and enjoy!

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